
Sunrise Above Volcano :Bromo – Indonesia



Waiting for Sunrise  ,temperature 2 degrees Celsius at 05:00 am

If you reckon during the day it is 40  degrees Celsius at 13:00 pm

After the Sunrise,we walk back to the Jeep,

We drove through the desert,Then on a horse a bite bigger then a pony.Last part we did have to walk ,to get on the volcano Bromo,only 250 stairs,to get on the still active volcano Bromo,but  it is 2.329m high,The first 100 were easy  but half way  the stairs . There was  no  Oxygen.so close

each step I did after that I feel like  150 years old.Then my legs stop moving,so Close.Then I reset my  mind and accomplish to reach the Top

Then to throw flowers in the Volcano to keep it happy……..

almost time for breakfast,but first down the stairs,on the horse,in the jeep,back in the car and drive  back to the hotel in Probolinggo, East Java